Ignite Service Ministry

Ignite is a ministry geared towards Christians. Our goal is to create a fun environment for fellowship, community aid, and spiritual growth. We are the service based group of the Mt. Pleasant UMC and try to incorporate community service to strengthen our community while sharing the love of God.

Thank You for the Food!

We are so appreciative for the abundant donations of perishable goods to the Good Samaritan Center from our In-Gathering Service! We donated over 50 paper grocery bags of goods for our community!

Thanks to all who donated School Supplies!

Our drive was well received by the district and we know the supplies will be appreciated by the students that need them!

Pictured: Adam W, Justine K, Charlene B, Deb F, and Colleen K

Ignite would like to thank everyone who helped make our first “Flower Power Friday” a sucess! The residents LOVED thier flowers!